A lot of people ask questions what truly is art. Is it anything at all or just some idea of art. Then other raise a question what is tasteful art or fine art. Then others say its commercial art or fashion and use the term art loosely. Which brings me to a real question if it is in a gallery or museum is it really art or did some just pay to have it there by there expressions or views. I thought of this question when i seen this image of three canvas in museum in Europe. This is why people believe art can be anything or is it just a joke to what someone believes to be art. I'd like to think art is something that is enjoyable or good entertainment or expression of the artist not three blank canvas that simple anyone with money or the know how could paint for example. How can this be art.
These are great questions, and I hope that this course may help you deal with these difficult aesthetic issues. There is great philosophy, history and relationships between the movements we will be studying. You cannot buy your way into a museum, they are responsible for the care taking of important treasures that are purchased, or donated and deemed valuable. i am not familiar with the image you chose, can you find your source?