Sunday, February 22, 2009

Since we are learning of Van Gogh, I wanted to show some of the paintings for which he is famous for, with Starry Night on the bottom being one of his most popular. I chose these specifically because I like how the stars are so different but still stand out in each painting.

The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum ...
Vincent Van Gogh

Starry Night over the Rhone, c. 1888
Vincent Van Gogh

Starry Night, c. 1889
Vincent Van Gogh
“There are two ways of thinking about painting, how not to do it and how to do it: how to do it - with much drawing and little colour; how not to do it - with much colour and little drawing."
-Van Gogh


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was just about to post about Starry Night... It normally resides at the MoMA and I was looking forward to seeing it on our upcoming trip. Unfortunately it is on loan to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. It will return to MoMA in late June 2009.

  3. It is a shame that we won't get to see it, but it gives you another reason to go to the MOMA. Van Gogh is always one of my favorites.
